Published April 20, 2021

Happy 420! This has been one of the most highly requested recipes over the years and I’m super excited to finally share with ya'll our medicated butter and oil recipes! I mean, being that this is our favorite holiday, I think it’s only fitting that I share how we infuse our everyday food & desserts with this incredible plant. We make our own homegrown canna-butters and oils at home to not only enjoy the medical benefits but also the healing properties as well.
Both the oil and butter recipes can be easily adjusted to fit your own personal tolerance and you can use any butter type fat for the butter recipe (lard etc.) and any oil type (coconut, olive, etc) for the oil recipe, enabling you to make a vegan or vegetarian version as well, if you so please. Infusing your oils/butters are actually a rather simple and easy to do process but do require a few techniques and tools for the best success.
In just a moment we will go over the tools, techniques and time needed to infuse your oils properly to achieve the highest form of medicinal benefit from the plant. I find that both the oil & butter mediums are equally as potent as one another and really the only reason to use butter over oil or vice versa is to better fit with the recipe you are making. For instance, I prefer to make my cookies and muffins with butter over oil but essentially both can be made with oil it will just lack the flavor and benefits of baking with butter. On the other hand, if I am making a stir fry dish, I'd opt for the oil over the butter as the oil will not burn as easily and is better suited for high heat recipes like a stir fry or steak!
(DISCLOSURE: These recipes are not meant to help treat or heal any medical condition and we hold zero liability to the effects caused or experienced from using our recipe. You are accepting all medical liability by making these recipes on your own free will. You are your best judge of potency so its best to start out small and wait for awhile (1-2 hours) before ingesting more.)
Listed below are the tools needed depending on which medium you choose:
One cup of oil of your choice
At least 1 cup of cannabis but you can add as much as you want depending on how strong you want it. I would start with 14 g and scale up or down from there
Weed grinder, coffee grinder or food processor.
Metal strainer
Cheese cloth
Silicone spatula
Mason Jar or
Tupperware w/ Lid - ​
Two sticks of butter
Double boiler
Silicone spatula
Weed grinder, coffee grinder or food processor
Metal strainer
Cheese cloth
Mason Jar or Tupperware w/ Lid
1) Measure out 1 cup of oil dump the oil into the crockpot (you can use a double boiler or sauce pan but just note you cannot walk away from either of those like you can with the crockpot).
2) Weigh out 1 cup of cannabis and grind up it up, ideally you want to use a high-grade cannabis so there should be no seeds but if there are some, you will want to take them out but you can leave all the stems as they can add to the medicinal quality. You can adjust and add less or more cannabis depending on your personal tolerance. Start with my 1:1 ratio and then adjust as you feel necessary.

3) Add the ground up cannabis into the oil, make sure it’s thoroughly coated by mixing around with your spatula, turn on the crockpot and let it sit for at 6 hours on low.
4) Once done infusing, lay the cheese cloth on-top of a mason jar or Tupperware and strain the oil mixture. Screw lid on and let cool before storing in the refrigerator until use.

1) If using a double boiler, fill bottom pot with water an start heating the water up on medium heat. Once the water gets to boiling, add the 2 sticks of butter to the top pot of the double boiler or to your sauce pan. Stir until melted and then turn down to low heat.

2) Weigh out 14 grams of cannabis and grind up it up, again ideally you want to use a high-grade cannabis so there should be no seeds but if there are some, you will want to take them out but you can leave all the stems as they can add to the medicinal quality. You can adjust and add less or more cannabis depending on your personal tolerance. Start with my 1:1 ratio and then adjust as you feel necessary.
3) Add the ground up cannabis into the butter, make sure it’s thoroughly coated by mixing around with your spatula and let it sit for 6-8 hours (the longer the stronger) on low heat, making sure to keep the bottom pot filled with water as it will boil off. If you are using a regular sauce pan, be sure to stir it often and don't let it get hotter than 245 degrees or it can burn the cannabis and butter, the saucepan method only needs to be infused for 3 hours. I personally do not use a crockpot for the butter recipe because its not a regulated heat source so it can get over 245 and burn the butter.

4) Once done infusing, lay the cheese cloth on-top of a mason jar or Tupperware and strain the butter mixture. Screw lid on and let cool before storing in the refrigerator until use. I love to use my infused butter in my sourdough cookie recipe! Below I snapped some pictures and they came out so good and so strong!